Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Main Idea.

I've always been a blogger. Above all else, the single most consistant element of my life is blogging. Why? I haven't the slightest clue. For the most part, I don't even tell people about these blogs; they go under alias' with some clever theme. I'll post in said blog for about a month, without any followers, with myself as the only directed audience, and then it will go forgotten for a month, only to be started up under a different name with a different idea.

This blog has been around for about 3 years now. It's seen quite an aray of posts. But, hopefully this idea will stick.

This is called Project Disca. No, I will not tell you what it stands for.
It's a 3 month long project. And no, I won't tell you what it's main purpose is, either.
You can enjoy it, or not. This is more for me than you. But I hope you join me in this project that when the big surprise is revealed in Feburary, you'll be there with me. Plus, I need encouragement.